On our Etsy store, you can find a Tree of Life – link to Etsy Shop here. The Tree Of Life is an elegant, modern, and spiritual decoration for your home. This charming wall hanging or ornament is a beautifully intricate representation of a Tree of Life. It means many different things – it can symbolize a harmonious connection between life and mother earth to knowledge and wisdom.
It was a challenging project to create as there was a lot of detail. We also wanted to have birds and features that could be painted with a splash of color! Here are some tips and tricks for getting the file set up on a CNC.
Things to Consider
Material Type: We prefer to use solid wood that has been planed to be 1/4-inch or 3/8-inch depending on the application. The version on our store was created using baltic birch plywood. This can be a little more expensive but results in a nice end product, but some clean-up (sanding and deburring) is needed.
Bits to Use: For this project, we commonly use the 1/8-inch Downtown-Jenny or the Amana Compression Bit. For additional detail and increased carving time, you could consider a 1/16-inch bit.
Preparing the File
For all of our files, we label the layers with information to help with the cuts. This works really well if you’re importing the DXF file or have the native ART file. However, the SVG file needs some explanation:
Tree and Branch Outlines. We use a 1/8-inch endmill cutting full depth and inside the linework.
Outer Ring. This is the cut-out shape – we cut this with the same 1/8-inch endmill at full depth and outside the line.
If you have the ability, we highly recommend using your software simulation tool – this should allow you to measure the gaps to make sure it matches the width of your material.

Time to Cut
We attach our material to the spoilboard using a combination of hold-down clamps and long guides. For thinner material, we even designed clips with a lip for 1/4-inch plywood. You can check out our favorite spoil board, cams, clamps, and hold-downs here on Etsy or see it on our CNC post.
The most important step is to enjoy the creation!