Learning towers are a fantastic way to have your kids help and provide a stable platform that can be adjusted to their height. It’s a pretty fantastic thing when you’re getting ready to do something in the kitchen and here comes your toddler pushing their learning tower. I highly recommend the felt pads and depending on where you store it, some side pads won’t hurt – it tends to get bounced off walls a wee bit.

We built a learning tower for our littles over 5 years ago and it has served us well. There are some great plans online you can find by searching for kids learning tower; pre-made versions are also from Amazon but you could save $50-150 doing it yourself.
For our tower we opted for a stained adjustable deck and painted the rest of it white. I kept it simple and didn’t follow the plans that had curved edges or fancy cuts. For plans you find online, make sure that you measure the height of your counters and adjust. You may want yours to be able to tuck under your counter if there is a large overhang. We added little spread feet onto the bottom of ours for increased stability.
We chose a plan that had a simple adjustable deck. You can easily remove it and insert it on the different levels as your “littles” grow! The higher the deck is the more unstable the learning tower will be.

For our version we drilled some pocket holes for the screws to hold it all together. Having a double jig would have made the holes better aligned.
Enjoy! A learning tower is fantastic to have around the house.