On our Etsy store, you can find our rendition of an adult advent calendar – link to Etsy Shop here. It was really fun to make and come up with little quips to be on the tree in place of a star. Here are some tips and tricks for getting the file set up on your CNC.
Things to Consider
Material Thickness: There are multiple widths in the Etsy store because 1/4-inch plywood can come in different widths–I find that a near 0.18- and 0.24-inch width is most common. If your material is a different width, consider contacting us and we can help you modify the file: contact us. This is also why a 1/8-inch bit is needed to cut as anything larger would create gaps that were too wide resulting in a wobbly fit.
Material Type: We prefer to use plywood that is considered void less, like baltic birch. This can be a little more expensive but results in a nice end product.
Bits to Use: For this project, we commonly use the 1/8-inch Downtown-Jenny or the Amana Compression Bit. For the text and numbers, we use the Whiteside 60-degree V-bit.
Preparing the File
For all of our files, we label the layers with information to help with the cuts. This works really well if you’re importing the DXF file or have the native ART file. However, the SVG file needs some explanation:
Tree Outlines. We use a 1/8-inch endmill cutting full depth and outside the linework.
Connector Holes. There are three holes in each tree – these are cut with a 1/8-inch endmill at full depth.
Connectors for Base and Trees. These are the shapes between the trees – we use a 1/8-inch endmill cutting full depth and outside the linework.
Circles, small and large. We use a 1/8-inch endmill cutting full depth and inside the linework.
Numbers and Text. We use a 60-degree v-bit using the V-bit carving toolpath (we use Carveco software)
There are extra stars that you can glue onto the star or use a velcro pad to swap them out. If you know what saying you want, you can move the text into the tree star and bit good-to-go!
If you have the ability, we highly recommend using your software simulation tool – this should allow you to measure the gaps to make sure it matches the width of your material.

Time to Cut
We attach our material to the spoilboard using a combination of hold-down clamps (designed with a lip for 1/4-inch plywood) and the long guides. You can check out our favorite spoil board, cams, clamps, and hold-downs here on Etsy or see it on our CNC post.
The most important step is to enjoy the creation!