Seems like every year when unpacking our Holiday decorations we discover that some of the clips are missing. Or, the clips that come with some ornaments just aren’t up for the task. Over the years our outdoor decorations have expanded and we like to hang oversize ornamental balls in our trees. Because we’ve had more than a few find their way off the tree and limited success with clips (or just some frugality), we’ve come up with an outdoor ornamental hanging hack.
Use Wire Coat Hangers for Outdoor Hanging Balls!
Each wire hanger nets about 3 to 4 hooks – one of the lucky balls will even get the hook from the wire hanger. For the other pieces a simple bend of the hanger with your hands, or for safety, a set of pliers, and you’re in business. A heavier pair of snips will make life a little easier and potentially save a knuckle-knock.

And once in the tree, no one is the wiser that you saved some money using wire hangers.