Landscape canvas large form prints have a huge impact in any room. Many designers are using these as focal pieces in dining and living rooms, and I’ve seen some gorgeous wood floating framed canvas prints that I would love to have for my home. McGee and Co. has some beauties, including this landscape piece in a floating frame for about $1,478 for a 72×48 inch print:

And for around $600 and at a size of 26×37, this piece is another beauty:

I began hunting for alternatives, and came across Juniper Print Shop, which is a curated site of downloadable art prints. Juniper Print Shop has hundreds of pieces of art at the price of $20 each to download and have printed at the developer of your choosing. How great to be able to download beautiful art at an affordable price, and then to decide how to show it?
I’ve added some favorite digital print downloads here. Check it out! Great Sources for Digital Art for Framing | Design | Style | Love
For my first canvas wrapped art, I purchased Juniper Print Shop’s Lowland print.
This print has such pretty contrasting colors, and I wanted a bit of a splash of color for a new frame above our bed. It was very easy to download the print in a .jpg format, and decide where to have it developed later.
After downloading this, I shopped around for prices for canvas prints created from .jpg files. I decided to order this as a 24×36 canvas through Costco because I love Costco and they shipped it direct to my house in less than a week and cost about $70.
We hung it to get a sense of the art knowing we’d wood wrap it. It’s very pretty but not at all the same as it looks wrapped with a floating frame. Here’s the pre-wrapped view:

And how it looks now that Ryan wrapped it:

For only about $10 in wood supplies, we completely transformed the look of the canvas. Ryan’s tutorial on building the frame is here. This entire large piece was under $100. Next we’ll be painting our bedroom a bit lighter, which will really make it look fresh.
Update! I posted about another few on Instagram and I’ve changed our minds a little on the art in our bedroom.
Here’s our living room wrapped canvas piece. This piece is also from Juniper Print Shop. We’ve got a few more to make, and I’m swapping out the one in our bedroom for another I found that goes well with our decor.

You can check out our updated bedroom art that we got from another digital print curator here: or in our post on our Bedroom refresh here.

I love how these turn out. Check out Ryan’s instructions on how to build a DIY frame for your wall art here.