I’m so excited to have our living room paint refresh done. I’ve been waiting to get the walls done so we can start putting things back — and even more importantly decorating with holiday cheer! While we are planning some more woodworking projects for the coming weeks (including some custom furniture for our living room), we are using the time to decorate! Tonight our tree goes up. Today the front entry was started. I’m loving how it is coming together.

I found these pillows for under $20 on Amazon. I love the covers, and they work great with our entry bench. You can find them here.
Two years ago, I wanted to upgrade to personalized stockings for my husband, my littles and I. I found the ones we have now on Crate and Barrel. They pair wonderfully with the new holiday pillows. I have stocking holders, but I tend not to put them on the mantles as I always worry they will fall and impale a child on the head. So I use twine to hang on our stair newels.
The stockings we purchased from Crate and Barrel are out of stock, but these are a super cute alternative and can be personalized:

Here are a few other options for non-personalized farmhouse style stockings:

Or these cute neutral colored stockings:

I mentioned that I usually buy a large live holiday wreath for that lovely cedar smell. This year, we were fortunate (so I can keep shopping from my couch…) to find an alternative online. We live in the Pacific Northwest of the US, where our governor has limited in-store shopping for the next month. With that anticipated, I found 25 foot live garland on Costco.com. I read that they are 25 feet long. But I didn’t really get what 25 feet of garland would be. These were so much longer than I thought they would be! We were able to drape along our stairwell, and I purchased a second to dress up Ryan’s Restoration Hardware hack console table.
I used twine to tie the garland loosely up my stairway railing. If my crazy cat leaves it alone it should hold up well for the next 6-7 weeks.

Here are some online-available garland and wreath options you can check out from the comfort of your couch.
Our bench is from Wayfair and no longer available, but here is a similar version.

We recently have been on a mission to brighten the living room, and one way we’ve done that is through new rugs. I posted some great rug options to brighten your room here. For our entry, we selected this Pottery Barn Claremore option. We needed something heavy enough to not slide around without a rug mat. Our door jam clearance was not high enough for both a rug and pad. This works great.

To pull it altogether, crazy cat’s white and black fur blends well. She’s a one of a kind. 🙂