I really tried to like the velvet headboard we got for E’s room last year. She went without a headboard for so long, and I found a great deal on a pink velvet headboard online (here’s the one we found for under $100 at the time we purchased). We repainted her room, lightened all the things around it, new white bedding, but no, I still could not grow to love this little pink headboard.

And another closer:

So this weekend I got to work to make me fall in love! I had high ambitions of making a DIY French pleat wrapped headboard to cover it. I stopped by Joann’s fabrics on Sunday to select my white canvas or linen fabric. But then I saw this pretty subtle-y patterned creamy white velvet headboard and realized how much simpler I could make my life by just re-upholstering the pink headboard. So I grabbed a swatch of the velvet to look at when I got home, to see how it matched with the comforter set and white velvet curtains I bought E last month (here is the comforter set and here are the drapes).
To my great happiness, the little white velvet patterned fabric was a match! To make this re-upholstered simple wrapped headboard, I decided to repurpose the pink headboard. I then needed these supplies:
- 7 feet of fabric to fully wrap the full sized headboard
- 7 feet of 1/2 inch upholstery batting to line the tufts of the front of the headboard
- A super duty staple gun, with both 3/8 and 1/2 inch staples – I use this staple gun
- Scissors
We took down the headboard and laid it on the floor.

To save my screw holes and keep those marked, I put the screws in the spots they belong so I could know where to cut the fabric to show the screw hole. Then, I lined up the batting to the front, and wrapping the length along the bottom of the headboard. Already looking better! The corners were the toughest, where I pulled the fabric taught and cut away loose unnecessary fabric to avoid the extra bulk.
Once I had the batting on, I laid out the fabric and repeated. For this super quick and simple DIY, I was not going to sew the corners to fold properly, but you could certainly do that to make it a more tailored fit. My corners were folded like a present and the extra fabric tucked in. I stapled to secure the corners before reinforcing the length of the headboard. I snipped my fabric over my screws so that I could fit the fabric flushly around those screw holes.

Ryan then had the fun job of putting the headboard back on, and finding those little screw holes covered in 4 layers of fabric and padding. But not a problem! After 30 minutes, this project was done!
The white headboard softens her room up so much. She loves it and so do I! Easy DIY done.

Ok, so next up here will be fixing those busted blinds! Once one project is down another pops into its place.
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